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A central part of our mission is to offer support. To help GBQ men find local community and support organisations, and to support those going through bereavement from having lost a loved one to suicide or a drug- related death.  

Do you need support right now? 

If you are currently in a crisis and in need of urgent support, please go to the bottom of this page for immediate support resources.

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We will be launching our first bereavement peer support groups in March 2025. These groups will be free to attend for anyone who is going through a bereavement of a loved one who was a gay, bi, or queer (GBQ) man and passed away from suicide or a drug-related death.


Our peer support groups will be led by bereavement specialist therapists alongside volunteers that have gone through similar bereavements in the past. The sessions will be offered weekly and will always be free to attend. We will start with offering online sessions, and in-person sessions in London and will then roll out in-person across the UK, based on demand. 


We are currently looking for bereavement specialist therapists and volunteers that are interested in helping out running these sessions. If this is you, please get in contact on the email address below. Similarly, if you are interested in attending sessions once they are launched in March, please get in contact. 





The Bobby: 
Find local community
& support

The Bobby will be a web hub that will contain information and contact details for community initiatives, mental health support organisations and charities, as well as queer therapists across the UK, focused on GBQ men (specifically or as part of their wider LGBTQ+ reach).


The hub will be launched alongside the rest of our new website in October 2025. It will grow continuously as new organisations and initiatives are added. The hub will be free to use and access for everyone. 


If you run or know of an organisation, community initiative or therapist you would like added to the hub, please reach out. 

Current Support

Until more formal support services are launched, we are currently offering free video call and email assessment support sessions. 


This assessment support is provided by volunteer mental health professionals and the purpose is to help guide and suggest solutions, tools, and partner 

organisations that can help you further address your concerns.


We will reply to you within 24 hours and currently offer up to three video sessions per person. 

Thank you - we will get back to you within 24 hours

Please see below for urgent support

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